Can My Hearing Problems Be Linked To Arthritis?

Arthritis and Hearing Loss

In recent years, studies showed that rheumatoid arthritis can cause hearing issues. From The Open Rheumatology Journal, the link between arthritis and hearing is common. They said that those with rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to have hearing loss. This is when compared to those without rheumatoid arthritis. What could be causing this increased health risk?

Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED)

Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have an autoimmune disease. Their body’s immune system mistakes parts of their body as foreign invaders. This causes an attack on the joints that flare up and results in aching pain. In the specific case of AIED, a person’s immune system attacks their inner ear. This can result in tinnitus, dizziness, and hearing loss.

Reports suggest that rheumatoid arthritis has also linked with other autoimmune diseases. This includes, but is not limited to, psoriatic arthritis and lupus. It’s thought that this connection could also link tAIED to rheumatoid arthritis. But, AIED only accounts for about one percent of all hearing loss cases in the United States.

Arthritis Medications

The medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis is often thought to be one of the main links. There has been a clear link between using NSAIDs in high dosages and hearing loss in both men and women. One study showed that 24% of women who took ibuprofen six or more days a week were at an increased risk for hearing loss. This is when compared to women who didn’t take ibuprofen as often.

Tips For Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis Related Hearing Loss

One of the best steps that you can take when you first experience symptoms of hearing loss is to get an audiogram. This is a professional hearing test done by an audiologist. We can share the results of this test with your physician. Together, we can help to make informed decisions about your treatment. Always tell your doctor about any over-the-counter medications that you take. This includes medications you use for your rheumatoid arthritis and for other ailments.

If you develop tinnitus, speak with your physician and audiologist about your hearing. Always do your best to avoid exposure to loud noises. Wear hearing protection when using noisy equipment for a long period of time. Make sure that you’re mindful of how loud your music is when using earbuds. You don’t want to crank up the volume too high as it can be damaging to your hearing health.

Pay attention to any risk factors that can increase your risk of developing hearing loss. Some of the most common include excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. Avoiding these can help reduce your risk of developing severe hearing issues.

Contact Us Today

If you’re experiencing hearing loss, it’s time to call us today. Our hearing care professionals will be able to test your hearing. From there, they will recommend the best treatment to improve your hearing health. Contact us today or schedule an appointment for your hearing health today.