How Can Hearing Loss Affect the Brain?

Affect of Hearing Loss
Currently, one in eight Americans is dealing with some form of hearing loss. Hearing is a vital part of our everyday lives. It’s how we communicate with others around us. It’s also how we interact with our environment. Many things can affect a person’s hearing. This includes aging and medical conditions. Unfortunately, hearing loss is often linked to cognitive decline in those who don’t seek help. Understand how the brain is often linked to hearing loss. It can help you learn how important it is to get help when you notice signs of a hearing problem.

Signs To Look Out For

Cognitive Decline

It is often documented that the elderly experience brain atrophy. This is also known as cognitive decline. This includes a plethora of symptoms like trouble remembering things. Studies have shown that those with hearing loss have a faster atrophy rate than those who don’t. So, not seeking treatment for hearing issues can result in premature cognitive decline.

Social Isolation

When you have trouble hearing, it’s very common to avoid social settings. It can feel embarrassing to ask “What?” many times over. And, it can be frustrating for those around you to have to repeat themselves. It’s natural for those with even slight hearing loss to reduce social interactions. This can turn into social isolation. Those who isolate themselves are more likely to experience cognitive decline.

Dementia and Other Mental Health Conditions

Dementia is a medical term to describe the lack of various social and thinking functions. These can affect a person’s everyday life. People with dementia may have memory loss, decreased thinking, and less social skills. There is a strong correlation between those with hearing loss and dementia. Those who have only mild hearing loss are twice as likely to end up having dementia. Those with moderate hearing loss are three times more likely to have dementia. Those with severe hearing loss are five times more likely to have dementia.

Call Us Today!

If you notice a change in your hearing, then it’s time to seek treatment at Atkins Hearing Center. You don’t want to wait until you experience cognitive decline or other mental health issues. Take action and call us today for your free hearing exam.