How To Choose The Right Hearing Aid For You

If you notice that you have trouble hearing, it’s time to talk to a hearing care professional. They can test your hearing. Most people assume that hearing aids are only available in a bulky style. The reality is that hearing aids have come a long way since they were first introduced. In fact, they’re available in many different styles.

The Various Styles Available

There are six main types of hearing aids that you can invest in. Each one comes with its own set of benefits.
  • Completely In The Canal. A completely in the canal hearing aid is often molded to fit inside of your ear canal. It’s best for those with mild to moderate hearing loss. It is the least visible type out there. These models are much less likely to pick up wind annoyance.
  • In The Canal. In the canal hearing aids are also custom molded, but they only fit in part of the ear canal. This style is much less visible than the larger versions. This is best for those with mild to moderate hearing issues.
  • In The Ear. In the ear hearing aids can come with a full shell or a half shell. The full shell will sit in the bowl-shaped area of your outer ear. The half shell will sit in only the lower part of your outer ear. This type of hearing device is best for people with mild to severe hearing loss.
  • Behind The Ear. Behind the ear hearing aids loop over the top of the ear and actually rest behind it. A small tube connects the hearing aid device to a custom earpiece that fits within the ear canal. This is what most people picture as a traditional-style hearing aid.
  • Receiver In Canal. The receiver in canal hearing aid is like the behind the ear style. But, there is no tubing connecting the inner and outer parts. Instead, receiver in canal hearing aids use wiring to connect to two parts as it’s less visible.
  • Open Fit. Open fit hearing aids are like behind the ear styles except for the fact that it leaves most of the ear canal open. This type of device is best for people who are capable of hearing lower frequency sounds. These low-frequency sounds can make it into the ear canal past the hearing aid.

Things To Know Before Buying Your First Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can be a large investment. It’s important that you take the time to look at a few factors before making your final decision of which one to buy. Without a doubt, it’s a necessity to get a hearing exam from a licensed audiologist in your area. Certain styles of hearing aids work better for different types of hearing loss. Your audiologist can help you choose the right hearing aids for you.
Be mindful of the warranty that potential hearing aids come with. Always take into consideration your future needs. Modern day hearing aids also come with many features to help you with your hearing needs. Discuss these options with your audiologist before buying your hearing aids.

Must-Have Hearing Aid Features

The hearing aids available today have so many different features. It can be overwhelming at first. The most common hearing aid features include rechargeable batteries and noise reduction. Wireless connectivity, variable programming, and synchronization can also be helpful. You should take some time to determine which features you want to have in your new hearing aids.

How To Get Used To Wearing Hearing Aids

The biggest hurdle for people with hearing loss face is getting used to wearing hearing aids. One of the best ways to get used to wearing your new hearing aids is to leave them on all day long. When you notice a problem with your ability to hear, make a note of it. This is so that you can consult your hearing care professional to fix the issue. When you program your hearing aids, you’ll notice a big difference in your ability to hear around you.

Call Our Hearing Care Professionals Today

If you’re ready to see what hearing aid style is perfect for you, it’s time to call our office. Our hearing care team is ready to help you improve your hearing with hearing aids.