Keep Your Hearing Aids Safe From The Heat

Hearing Aids and Heat

As the hot summer weather comes back around, it’s likely that you’re planning some great summer fun. If you’re like most, you can’t wait to get out on the water and take in the heat of the sun. If you have hearing loss and use hearing devices, you need to protect them against the elements.

How Does Weather Affect Hearing Aids?

The hot summer weather can affect your hearing devices in many different ways. With summer comes more heat, humidity, and dirt. If your hearing aids come in contact with moisture, it can cause poor sound quality and other issues. Also, getting dirt and debris stuck in your hearing devices can shorten your battery life. It can even cause the devices to become damaged.

Tips For Protecting Your Hearing Aids

One of the best ways to protect your hearing aids from heat and moisture is to have a safe, dry storage container. You want to have a couple of these in various places like your car and inside of your home. They can allow you to take out your hearing aids and put them in a safe container before you enter the water.

Any sort of products that get put on around your ears can actually make their way into your hearing aids. Be very careful when applying sunscreen near your head. Make sure that you wipe your fingers clean. You don’t want to touch your hearing aids when you have sunscreen on your fingers. If you get lotion or oil on your hearing aids, wipe it off as soon as possible. This can help to prevent it from penetrating the components of your hearing aid.

Another great tip to help protect the integrity of your hearing aids is to have a dehumidifier. You can find many small dehumidifiers that are for hearing aids that allow them to stay safe and dry. Also, any temperature changes can alter the effectiveness of the hearing aid battery. It’s best to store them in a place that is away from the heat and any significant temperature changes.

What to Do If Water Enters Your Hearing Aid

If your hearing aids become exposed to water or excessive sweat, you need to fix it as soon as possible. You need to get rid of that moisture before it damages the components inside of your device. Start by wiping all the exposed components of your hearing device with a dry towel. This can get rid of surface moisture. Next, make sure you open the battery doors and give them some fresh air. This allows any moisture inside of the battery compartment can evaporate.

Contact Us Today

If you’re interested in upgrading your hearing aids, then it’s time to give us a call. Let our hearing care professionals assess your needs. We can make recommendations on the best new devices to fit your needs and your budget. Our hearing care professionals can also help with all your hearing loss needs!