Signs of Hearing Loss in Older Adults and How To Manage

Conversations with Hearing Loss
It is no surprise that seniors are more at risk for hearing loss than younger people. Age-related hearing loss is very common. It’s important for caregivers and their patients to be aware of the common signs of hearing loss. The sooner you notice these signs, the quicker they can get help from a hearing care professional. If needed, they can help them get hearing aids.

Frequent Requests For Repetition

One of the first signs of hearing loss is a frequent request from the patient to repeat what they’re saying. When asked time and time again to repeat yourself, recommend a hearing test. One of our hearing care professionals can assess their need for hearing aids. Even slight hearing loss can cause patients to ask for a person to repeat themselves often.


One unique trait of the English language is that many words sound like one another. If someone answers your questions with off-topic responses, they couldn’t hear you. Asking them to tell you what they heard can help you to identify if they misunderstood what you said. If this happens often, recommend talking with a hearing care expert to get hearing aids.

Complaints About Speaking Volumes

Another sign of hearing loss is complaining about the speaking volume of someone. The most common complaints we hear are things like constant whispering or mumbling. In reality, the senior is likely experiencing some level of hearing loss. That’s what is making it difficult for them to hear what is being said. Women and children are the hardest for those with hearing loss to hear. This is due to their softer pitch of voice.

Loud TV Volume

One signature trait of those with hearing loss is that they will turn up the volume on their devices. This includes their television, phone, and stereo. They can sit in the room with the device on a loud setting without showing any signs of irritation. Others who don’t have hearing loss find it too loud. Many new hearing aids link to these devices. This is so that users can hear them better without having to put the device on a high volume. Ask one of our hearing care professionals for more details.

Not Hearing Conversations

When your hearing is in peak condition, you can hear a conversation going on across a busy room. When you have hearing loss, you may find it hard to hear what someone is saying at the same restaurant table. Places with lots of noises, like restaurants and malls, can be hard for those with hearing loss. It’s hard to talk with others around them, according to many hearing care experts.

Talking To A Loved One With Hearing Loss

When you first notice someone showing the signs of hearing loss, be mindful of how you interact with them. Try to avoid taking them to busy places where it’s difficult to hear. Always face the individual so that they can see your lips and read them to understand what you’re saying.
Realize that hearing loss and hearing aids can be a sensitive issue for anyone. Take the time to address potential hearing loss with your loved one. Suggest that they see a hearing care professional is a necessity. Be mindful of their preconceived notions about hearing aids and audiologists. Get them to agree to a hearing evaluation with one of our hearing care specialists. Sometimes, it’s all that you need to do to get them started on their journey to using hearing aids.
Hearing aids are not like they used to be 10 years ago. In fact, hearing aids come with more innovative designs, technology, and styles. Go with your loved one to a hearing care appointment. This allows them to see how helpful new hearing aids can be for their lifestyle.

Contact Our Hearing Care Professionals Today

If you notice a loved one showing the signs of hearing loss, call our hearing care professionals. Our hearing care technicians will check your loved one’s hearing. We will make a recommendation on the best hearing aids to assist them.