Can Certain Frequencies Cause Hearing Loss?

Can Certain Frequencies Cause Hearing Loss?

Shella M.

Most people are familiar with the fact that hearing loss can happen to anyone. But, most people assume that you’re either born with hearing loss or develop it in your golden years. That’s not always the case, especially when exposing your ears to certain frequencies.

What are Decibels and How Do They Affect Your Hearing?

In simple terms, a decibel is a unit of measurement that determines the intensity of a sound. The higher the decibel rating, the more intense the sound will be. For example, rustling leaves will have a decibel rating of around 20. A car driving in the city will have a decibel rating of around 70.

As you’ve experienced at some point, intense noises can cause ringing and other issues. As a general rule of thumb, any sounds that are over 85 decibels can be harmful to the human auditory system. To experience noise-induced hearing loss, you’ll need to be near a sound of 85 decibels for at least 8 hours or more. If you’re exposed to a sound of 100 decibels, like a chainsaw, for over 15 minutes, it can cause hearing loss.

Can High Decibels Cause Other Health Problems?

Besides eardrum damage, you can have other issues when exposed to high decibel levels. Some of these include:

  • Peptic Ulcers
  • Elevated Stress Levels
  • Sleeping Disturbances
  • Tinnitus
  • Hypertension
  • Vasoconstriction
  • Immune System Issues

High decibel levels can even affect your mental functioning. They can decrease your memory, learning ability, focus, reasoning, thinking, and impulse control. Exposure to loud noise can increase a person’s risk of developing some illnesses.

How to Recognize and Protect Yourself from High Decibel Exposure?

When it comes to hearing care, one of the best things that you can do is learn to recognize when a frequency is too loud. When you realize that you’re near a high-frequency level, remove yourself from the source. Below are some key signs that will tell you that the sound frequency you’re experiencing is way too loud:

  • Your ears hurt
  • You must raise your voice to converse
  • You have difficulty hearing others talk
  • Your ears start to ring

Besides identifying loud frequency levels, you should also use ear protection. If you know that you’re going to be using the lawnmower or attending a concert, then take ear protection with you. There are also smartphone apps that you can use to read the frequency level of the sounds around you. This can help you to determine if they’re too loud.

Call Us Today

If you’re experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, then it’s time to contact us. Let our knowledgeable hearing care professionals assess your hearing. We can help you get the best hearing assistive devices that fit your needs and budget.

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